

If I had to choose, this is what my space would look like!

Cutest stove ever.

I want to have this bedroom somewhere in Spain; great floors, bed sheets and the white in contrast with the green really stands out. LOVE.

The hardwood floor in contrast with the white furniture is out of control amazing. I LOVE

Oh the arch, the hardwood flooring, the white walls: LOVE.

The simplicity here is beautiful.

Simply beautiful.
Best piece I have seen all day! This would look great in a hallway. 

The windows, the carpet, the view. Enough said.

Photos-courtesy:  a note on design <3


Design, minimalism and other precious things that warm my heart.

All photos courtesy of: note on design

i love the antique feel of this room.

Too precious...& it melts my heart.


Obsessing over this walk-in shower. I'd love to have one like it someday!

Gorgeous color.

Brunch time in this living room=lovely & calm.

Loving every thing about this room. 


Ah, the outdoors...

My desire to be outdoors and to be in nature, near water, near peaceful serenity and quiet has drastically increased in the last few weeks. Living in the city is amazing, but I wouldn't mind trading it for this view for a week or two, or three...The hustle and bustle of a city is starting to get me down; this party, that fun and all fine, but finding time to quiet and to enjoy a cup of tea on an old deck, or a creaking porch has been what I have longing for and dreaming about this last week. I am glad I came across this photo I loved when I first found it, and I hope you will too. It's still, it's peaceful, and it reminds me that places like this do exist outside of our crazy city lives.
Photo courtesy: